Wednesday, September 14, 2011


I am today starting on the actual selling process-friends! Akshooaly, I was trying to do it for the last few months, but everytime I thought I’d start, I’d think of something which appeared to be a bloody life-and-death matters, so the son-of-a-gun never came out of the womb. But today’s a different story altogether

Through I’m going to introduce you to a slightly different way of selling -it’s called SBR which is short for 'Selling By Research' and the cool thing here is that you do not have to worry about no culture shocks, not even regional shocks. In SBR, you don’t have to worry about anything and a steady pace you will go along. This does not mean that you don’t have to work hard-you have to.But what you have is steadiness, pulse free pressure, no stress and you find yourself at-ease and smiling all the time. The logic behind this is at the beginning, you fix your speed and your pulsations if any. 
Therefore, you are never surprised if you sell the SBR way cause you always remain a step ahead of the competition & let's be honest- your bosses ( who can also be time wasters to the nth degree sometimes). The SBR way of selling is nothing but common  sense but its value lies in the eerie ability it gives you to know what's round the next  corner. you can easily dodge the shit thrown at you  by anticipating every move he or she makes.

And like all what I have written after we left the road fork, SBR is applicable only to capital high value selling equipment. Finally, SBR selling has been compiled by, classified and tested by me but it's not patented. So-you can use it without looking over your shoulder
That's all for today friends. Bye and Cheers-till the next time when we shall be covering 'Sales Leads and how to generate them'

So keep watching this space!!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Ethics and Relationship Selling

Hi Friends,
Its me again (that's a daffy statement) . I had thought that we would today venture out into new grounds, new worlds etc and all that. But-I have received mails from one or two people who said that relationship people will not work since it's unethical. "Why?" Because we are selling customers our goods through false and fake beliefs.

I would like to clarify here that it's not that all all-my readers. You are definitely not selling under false pretensions. I think I emphasized that you have to be sincere in your relationship. No bullshit -that's a strict no-no-and no cowshit either.

I will repeat that in relationship selling you are being sincere. If your product may has a teeny-winny fault, you have to tell him about it (or her sorry). Tell him what can happen as a consequence if the fault occurs and it is compounded by y and z happening, then A can happen. And then after some time, tell him /her the chances of everything happening together. Tell him the points where you are better. After giving all the info, let him decide-chances are that he/she will do so in your favour and even if not, the next big order will come your way. That way you are not compromising ethics.

I can guess the new question now? What happens if my product is a loser. If your product is a loser in all ways, I will suggest you ditch the ship. You have to face the facts. You are going to operate in the area for a long long time but your company can afford to force you to lie. You can do so but only to the flying customers. What you can do is to take out your cell-ring your boss- and let him take the role.

I do agree that in trying to maintain ethics, you have to start thinking like a politician sometimes. But these come with the job! Remember, who is going to be there for the next 15-20 years. Support that party! That's finis for today friends.
And do please leave some comments. If there is any problem call me up at +919830598417 or mail me at want2know
Hope you have a good day or night, wherever you are