Ha-ha. Does the pic seems funny to you? It does to me. Now, if you are thinking that ' the bastard is about to go in a long, sanctimonious lecture, again..Help :-) Lol!
You need not be scared. I just want to tell you or "share with you" something about "Management Information Systems" and their role in Indian Companies.
Let us analyze what Mr. Boss is doing on top of the arrow. The conversation may be something like this.
Boss: Nope! I don't like it.Somehow alters the view ; aesthetic point of view. Not that I expect you bummers even to know what "Aesthetic" means.You people do not know what a good sales view is. Put me the...ere, instead.
Engineer #8: ( sotto voice) Does he mean that his bum is aesthetic, considering that's what we see almost all the time?
Engineer #7: ( sotto voice) Ha-ha; good one dude but keep your voice low
A very important system in an organization which can result in an organization being buried and failing woefully or rising up from the ashes, sphinx like, is MIS. What is MIS? MIS or management information system is the system available in your organization through which information flows, not gossip, not political diatribe but positive information. Business Information which does good for your company.
When the MNC's first arrived in India, we were optimistic that we were going to see some good management practices, after all. But nothing happened like that. The amalgamation of Indo-European Management thinking, literally made sales people account for every minute of your time. There is a particular MNC in Noida, where even branch managers have to fill out timing..Now, I believe that filling up a form where you are required to mention the waiting time too is absurd.( There is a journey time, a waiting time, a meeting time and a miscellaneous time)
There are plenty of reasons why this is absurd but my main bone of contention is that the minute someone is asked to do that, he or she ceases to be loyal soldiers of the commander-in-chief, if they comply.They instead become hear and doers, they become "yesman"-that creative spark inside them fizzles out and the challenge of capital equipment selling becomes a dodo.
Well, a kangaroo lady I know and plenty of other departmental heads will not understand that. They'll say " we are paying you big bucks man, this is the least you can do for us. They then proceed to tell you what to do and at the end of the year they ask what happened to you. Hey lady..back off. You want to place responsibility on me with you taking all the decisions? This is not acceptable at all. These lapses all the more important in capital equipment selling where there are few orders and less players. You gotta speak up for your rights.
This is a tragedy. Today we have one of the best inventories for minds if not the best and look where we are going, in comparison to the Chinese-next door. Say you are Fernando Torres and the coach tells you that he must score a hat trick. A hat-trick has to be made irrespective of the side of the field where the goals are to be scored. So, Torres finds the going tough and ultimately score his hat-trick against his own team.
Torres scoring for Chelsea against Sunderland while Juan Mata looks on.
You must be in splits by now now...but these things do happen. Look around in your office, and you'll find the same happening day-in and day-out. Therefore, in selling capital equipment, let your team the freedom to think for themselves as per their capabilities. Take stock in weekly sales meetings. Gather all information and link it together to get information about new projects. Tell them what to do and why they should do it.
Do not tell them to do something without any explanations. For this indirectly tells him that you don't trust him. And lack of trust is one of the greatest demotivators -in the field of B2B direct selling of high value capital equipment.
with love
THE AMATEUR's GUIDE TO SUCCESFUL PROFESSIONAL SELLING. The A,B,C of Sales and Marketing Management of High Value Capital Equipment The blog seeks to help newcomers entering the sales profession and dispel a lot of myth about sales. It forecasts dynamic sales models which will be the norm in the immediate future. Issues and Controversies such as 'Culture Shock','Death of the Cold Call,SBR'are analyzed here from the blogger's experience.
Showing posts with label Capital equipment selling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Capital equipment selling. Show all posts
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Re-posted on popular demand "How to get Sales Leads from the Internet"
Hi Friends-
Sorry for the long wait. We will discuss about “Sales-leads from the internet today”. A lot of people have the opinion that sales leads from the internet are worthless because everybody has access to them”.That is bullshit with a capital “B”.
Sorry for the long wait. We will discuss about “Sales-leads from the internet today”. A lot of people have the opinion that sales leads from the internet are worthless because everybody has access to them”.That is bullshit with a capital “B”.
Yes, if you want to be spoon fed, then I agree. But, spoon feeding has become obsolete today. If you are selling high value capital equipment and want some leads and if you are willing to use your head a little, the net is a goldmine for “SALES LEADS”.
Let me illustrate. Let’s say that you are selling Stainless Steel Fittings all as per API. Now, when you are selling high value equipment, you get only one chance i.e. when the new plant/project comes up. Because you haven’t the chance to make repeat sales within a month like someone selling welding electrodes, the cycle is get in first-convince customer and get your order. People coming in last usually don’t get the orders. It's the early bird which catches the worm (though personally, I don't much like worms)
Get two orders and maybe you are on the way to a comfortable bonus. So-what do you do. Make sure you get these two orders by targeting 8 customers. If getting in first at 8 customers dosen't result in two orders, may be you are not thinking hard enough, or maybe you disagree with this blog. Its'a free world-ladies and gentlemen-you do have the right to disagree with me. The catch is that you won't get your orders that way. You can't sell a product on which you do not have the confidence. So, just how are you going to get your leads without that confidence in me. So, don't waste your time here (in fact all those who disagree leaving will make those people who agree all the more likely to succeed).
But where are these 8 leads going to come from-not just sales leads but authentic requirement based sales leads. (By selecting 8 potential customers, you are also in line with the 75:25 law This is a modified form of the Pareto Principle)...From a site called processregister.com (that’s one way).Process register.com is a free info site for people like us that is those that are selling high value capital equipment.
A screen shot of the site is below.
Study the site until next time friends, when we will study how this site can help generate our sales-leads i.e 8 nos potential sales leads. This site can make you rich forever!. So study it friends till the next part and,
Until then,
its love from
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
TIPS FOR SUCCESSFUL BIDDING : What to do and what not to do.
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Just hope that someone finds my...
Hope that someone finds my...
Just hope that someone finds my..."MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE"
..The Police
That will indeed be extreme i.e. you are so screwed up with
your sales targets and actual results that you send a ‘message in a bottle’[ by the way did you know that Sting
actually sent a message in a bottle..No? Well I’ve never heard of it too]. So
now that I have your attention, let me give you some juicy and tender tips
which if you know will boost your changes to win the tender. . Now,
I don’t say win the tender but your
chances to win it. And for those who are coming in just now, please note we
are talking of Government and Public Sector Tenders.All these are
stand-alone tips and this
means you can do all or do one..it won’t matter excepting your chances will be
enhanced to the same level.
So ready friends, here we go then:-
1. You may not have prepared the tender..maybe your sub-ordinates
prepared it, maybe your boss prepared it..whatever. Do insist on your complete
copy compiled exactly like the original. Go through the copy and and check if
you understand each and every sentence. The key word here is understand
not agreement
with. If say, you do
not understand a particular sentence in the context, ask who prepared
it continuously till you understand. Check the commercial terms
basics. If the project is a big one and likely to take up time, checkup whether you
have made your battery limits clear
2. Go through the
RFP and ensure that your bid is exactly like it. Say, in the qualification
criteria, there is a small hitch in your documents, make up a number ( two is
enough) of replies if this is pointed out. Let us assume that you are 90% sure it will not
come up, still do not ignore it.
3. If the ad says
the closing time is within 1400 hours and you find that one tender has been
dropped, yours is going to be no 2 then wait in the boss's office. Drop your
tender in at the stroke. Say at 10 minutes past, somebody turns up huffing and
puffing, he missed the bus and had to run…dept says well…but you say no.. stand
in the way but if the department wants to allow him. You also allow but say
that you’ll make a note in a semi-serious manner. All these varies actually
depending upon your relationship strengths in the department. If you find that the tender's postponed at the last minute, go back with the tender collecting a copy of the notice. Do not drop the tender before time cos baby, that's what losers do.
4. The tender
opening process. Don't try to say" Please once more" twice. You need
to have your own shorthand system ready to note down the salient points. During
the techno-commercial, ask questions to get to know your competitor's bid. You
are entitled to know. Not everything needs to be noted down
5. The Ace card : Most Indian firms send their junior most people
to tender openings which is an ace-in –the –hole card for you in two ways. You
are the General Manager, and you are there whereas your competitor has only two
Sales guys. The Boss-man has to be there-it is probably his office in the first
place..he will love you. He won’t say anything but you and him are more similar
in experience etc. and you are showing him respect. That’s an ace right down
the middle: an enormous plus in your favor. What you say or do will carry more weight now.
Experience counts however but what if the boss is very close with the your
competitor’s boss, sometimes it may not matter. Make it matter or give a
complicated explanation to something which the other guys cannot participate in.
6. The tender opening of part 1 is complete. Everyone will start
signing on the papers opened. They will bring a sheet to you to sign as the rep
of your company. Here, refer back to point 3, and jokingly say that you are
going to write a note, how X party was late and write it. Sometimes it is not necessary,
but all those can be learned only with time.
Shake hands again, make small talk and then take your leave.
Ensure your competitors leave before you
So next time we will see what is the next part ..For fun lets
consider this day as Day 01. (Here day means calendar day, not a working day)
Bye then, till the next time
NB: I don’t know what your philosophy of tendering is dear reader
but mine is “ GET THE JOB AT ALL COSTS”. But no one can do that . Even DiMaggio’s
streak had to end, so just add this line” IF I DON”T GET IT , I’LL ENSURE THAT NO
OTHER S.O.B. GETS IT”. I have told you this because my blog posts will move as
per that line. You should be knowing this beforehand, that’s what I feel.
Bye till the next time
Tuesday, June 05, 2012
I have read the Carnegie classic " HOW TO WIN FRIENDS AND INFLUENCE
PEOPLE" ( and it is a classic) a "two decade" period back but the best
illustration of my point is a story narrated in the book. ( Due to many years, the story may not be 100% accurate and my apologies).
A Motor salesman visits a customer who is dissatisfied because the supplied motors are running hot. After some Q-A sessions, it comes out that the operator cannot place his hand on the motor comfortably. At this point, our salesman says bingo! but that's the point because the motors are supposed to run at 60 deg F and at this temperature, human skin of the operator will have a natural aversion to the motor's body heat.
So everyone is happy and our salesman comes out with applause and the confidence that the next motor order is in his pocket.
Now let's imagine the same thing in India. The salesman will be told ( first
after some bullying by the guard) that the Purchase Manager is in a
meeting. He goes away and next time comes with an appointment. The
Purchase Manager meets him and expresses his disappointment with the
salesman's motors. They run hot and are expensive!! The salesman wants
to go to the shop but the operator is not in. Next day, he meets the
operator who just says that his motors are hot. The salesman gives the 60
deg F logic but the operator says no. He has other motors where he can
place his hands and he has been running motors for 30 yrs, so...! The
salesman slinks out of the factory with his tail between his legs and goes
back to his office to lick his wounds.
I have read the Carnegie classic " HOW TO WIN FRIENDS AND INFLUENCE
PEOPLE" ( and it is a classic) a "two decade" period back but the best
illustration of my point is a story narrated in the book. ( Due to many years, the story may not be 100% accurate and my apologies).
A Motor salesman visits a customer who is dissatisfied because the supplied motors are running hot. After some Q-A sessions, it comes out that the operator cannot place his hand on the motor comfortably. At this point, our salesman says bingo! but that's the point because the motors are supposed to run at 60 deg F and at this temperature, human skin of the operator will have a natural aversion to the motor's body heat.
So everyone is happy and our salesman comes out with applause and the confidence that the next motor order is in his pocket.
Now let's imagine the same thing in India. The salesman will be told ( first
after some bullying by the guard) that the Purchase Manager is in a
meeting. He goes away and next time comes with an appointment. The
Purchase Manager meets him and expresses his disappointment with the
salesman's motors. They run hot and are expensive!! The salesman wants
to go to the shop but the operator is not in. Next day, he meets the
operator who just says that his motors are hot. The salesman gives the 60
deg F logic but the operator says no. He has other motors where he can
place his hands and he has been running motors for 30 yrs, so...! The
salesman slinks out of the factory with his tail between his legs and goes
back to his office to lick his wounds.
Does that sound familiar! so, what should the salesman do to
the applause that Dale's salesman gets?? I'll explain in my next post
but why don't you try to think about it yourself
and post it here as a
Bye for now...
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